Friday, December 29, 2006

Friday Fish Fry!!!

FrEE FRidaY FiSH FrY!! !!!

Come by my art closing party at the Milwaukee Jouranl Sential building on "Old World Thirid" street right across form Pair Marguette Park and the bridge to nowhere for some free food cooked up on my purloined street grill. I'll be making a first come first served fish fry, with no extra charge for parasites!

My art show in the big widows along the east side of the Journal Sentilal building will be coming down after tonight, so it's your last chance to see it!

In her best art of the year year end blog, Mary Lynn Shoemacher summed up the year in art in Milwayukee rather nicely. She did fail, however, to mention one thing, and that was my art windows on the Jouranl Seninatl buidling. I suppose that the reason for it was that that's where she works, and it would kind of like blowing your own horn. Though I don't see too many people in the ART WOLRD hesitating to blow their own horns more FREQUENTLY if now CONSTANTLY (present compaany exluded, of course!) but then, I guess, Marylynn's in the JORUNALISM world, not the art world, per se.

WELL that's okay, it's not like I was worried about making anyone sick with subsonic music track or the use of toxic art matierals or anything, nor do I think my pieces offended anyone, though I hope they made you think.

I'll be looking forward to see what they put up there NEXT. Thanks for the Jouranl Senktal for all there support and widwow space! Special thanks to Whitney Gould for her support in the face of adversity and narrowmindedness. And a very very special thanks to the assholes who did a driveby on my art work. Your APPROVAL would have put me at the brink of desparir.

--happy new year, and best to you all!
Carter Byrson